Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Yet another disgrace
So I came back from school today, and I'm looking forward to sleeping till over 9am. I haven't got to do so the past week... Even on Sunday. Anyway, tmr is relax day + going for shiok shiok sports massage and sleeping in. :)
Oh btw btw, I am so proud of myself! The article I wrote for P for her 2039 wishes of the Sports school got chosen to be put in the time capsule! :) So proud of me. Hoho.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Just a thought
"You ever think about something and then suddenly strange coincidences connected with what you were thinking about suddenly pop up? For example: Ever think about a particular car and then notice thesame model you were just thinking about show up suddenly everywhere you go?Or maybe you're thinking about having Italian food for dinner and then notice a bunch of Italian restaurants that you hadn't noticed before?You think it's coincidence. Most people would agree. But it's not. This happens because you're mind is focused on something, and as a result it's directing your subconscious mind to the things, people or events related to what you are focused on. You see it as coincidence... but you're really creating your own little coincidences and you do this everyday... you just don't realize it. "
Anyway, goodluckies to all those doing the Prescription paper on Tues. Am as nervous as anyone of you guys.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Gone away
Ok, so anyway. Today was the Mid Years for Management..... And one word. : I'm SCREWED. Thats 2. I hate the paper, and I haterrrr the questions even more. So whatever. It's over. I screwed up. Right? Yeah I screwed up. So what. Coach told me " You woman no need to worry.. Just marry rich rich husband then get money. When you don't like take money and divorce. " In his russian accent. Yeah coach. Easy to say.
Speaking of gossip, yesterday I watched Episode 19 of GG and omg .... Nate & Blair?! :( Please tell me no. Maybe, just maybe that was intentionally done so that Vanessa & Chuck could be together in GG like in real life? Possible?!!! POSSIBLE MAN. Ok, exciting much :)
I have the rest of this coming week planned out for me & I'm eggicted much.
Tomorrow is trainingggg :/
Sunday Im going to the temple. I really must.
Monday I am going to be the goodiest girl in this planet. I'm gonna hard core study for Tuesday's practical.
Tuesday I am going to sit for my last paper this Month, after while I'm gonna celebrate.
Wednesday I am going to get my weekly massage and sleep in till afternoon training at 4pm! Ha
Thursday I am going to get all dolled up (Hopefully) for the Awards Night in school. :)
Woah, I better be happier than today. Today sucked. Stupid management :(
Friday, March 20, 2009
Chuck Bass & Vanessa together in real life. Am I slow or just slow. I was so caught up with the Movie World of Chuck and Blair, I never thought he could be better with anyone else. BUT LOOK HEREEEEEEEE. He looks so happy with Jessica! OMG OMG. And Episode 18 is AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

OMG. U know what?
1) I finally deactivated my facebook account! I wanted to do so for quite some time. Be'cos you see, facebook is a MAJOR distraction. So no no. So all friends, you can still find me on MSN. I'll upload my statuses there. HAHA. ;)
2) Episode 18 of Gossip girl is OUTTTT. Like Zomg okay. FINALLYYYYYYY. I miss Blair. I missed Chuck. OMG OMG. I am excited.
3) I am going to be a very good girl from today onward. HAHA. Not say I was a baddie. :) I'm gonna study study study. Train train train. Zeeshitz. Haha. Tough one.
4) Okay lah bye. I'm going to watch my Gossip Girl and drool over Chuck Basssssss. Look I even got my sister addicted. Thanks to my MSN status. HAHAHA. I think I am so funny.
Oh PS: Today I went to the library to study. And there was this Chinese lady ordering .. This is what she said : " Mocha Chocolate. Please gimmie little bit sweet ah " HAHAHAHAHA. Stupid people. :P
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Why can't you just do it. Why can't you just ignore it. Why for bloody god's sake. WHY fuck.
Dil ne jise apna kahaa
Dil ne jise apna kahaa
Bekhabbar, woh hain wahan
Jaane pal zameen aasmaan
Dil ne jise apna kahaa
Dil ne jise apna kahaa
Bekhabbar, woh hain wahan
Jaane pal zameen aasmaan
Mile nazar unse par behaya tanha
Baaton mein bhi keh na sake
Dil ki baat yeh zubaan
Ab hai hulchul, pal pal pe pal
Dhoonde hai unko dil
Ke chal zara unke hi manzil
Bole raaz dil par, ab woh hain kahaan
Dil ne jise apna kahaa
Dil ne jise apna kahaa
Bekhabbar, woh hain wahan
Jaane pal zameen aasmaan
Khil khile kaise khila
Milke woh chaand se
Door door hain hum milke bhi
Dekhiye aankh se
Kyon dil jaage aakhon ke taare
Un ke hi raahon mein
Ke youn bhi kabhi unke bhi dil mein jaage mohabbat
Aaye woh yahaan
Dil ne jise apna kahaa
Dil ne jise apna kahaa
Bekhabbar, woh hain wahan
Jaane pal zameen aasmaan
Shaam-o-seher chaaron paher
Dhoonda tujhe har dishaan
Haan, magar haar kar
Aa gayi yeh nigaah
Saaya ko tere tarsi aankhein tadape hai dil mera
Ke tere bin pyaar wafa kya mera yahaan kya
Apna luta jahaan
Dil ne jise apna kahaa
Dil ne jise apna kahaa
Kho gaya ea woh kahan
Soon hai zameen aasmaan
Kho gaya ea woh kahan
Soon hai zameen aasmaan
Friday, March 13, 2009
These people however who claim to be Very-For-Sikhism-and Proud to be a Sikh have drank, Smoked, womanized, pierced their entire body, and even do rubbish ... And they want the WHOLE world to know they still love their religion so much that they will go to the extend of dying for their religion. The go around publicizing that this is what Sikhism is. Honestly..... Further more, they claim they love the religion so much, they go to the extent of wearing 2 Karas instead of one.
Is this some kind of joke?
Can someone enlighten me on these people? I really do not understand them.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
So does randomness
Section 1 of 2 Finals
2 3914 Yeo, Sharon Wings
3 3605 Liang, Wei SSP
4 3329 Ann, Siao Mei NTU
5 2726 Kaur Purba, Balpreet AUT
6 3330 Choo, Sze-Min Ama NTU
7 3073 Chong, Jia Yuan HCIC
Section 2 of 2 Finals
2 3252 Heng, Angela MGS
3 3479 Ng, Fiona RIJC
4 3794 Khoo, Woan Chern UNA
5 3362 Francisca, Melanie NUS
6 3911 Hanim, Asmah Wings
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
It was then that she decided she was "unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him....."
Omg. I love Twilight. I love the book and the movie. I want to read it all over again, and again and again. I don't want to stop. I dont want to ever stop.
2 more days, :)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Ok here's what happened yesterday.
I was running my 150m (FAST) together with Ryan when these 3 STUPID raffles table tennis idiots were walking down the stairs. God gave them TWO eyes to look left and right before they cross the indoor track... BUT no... They thought that the track was some kind RED carpet that they could just walk on because it was MADE for them u see. ( GOD I can predict they will get into a car accident soon, imagining they don't look left and right before cross the road. Idiots!!) So, we were 5 FREAKING BLOODY metres away from them, and instead of just HALTING there and waiting for us to completely pass them, they JOGGEDDDDD across!!! RIGHT in front of us. How very SMART....
2 bloody things could have happened. 1) I could have run a must FASTER time if I did not have to STOP to prevent crashing into them. 2) And I could have gotten seriously injured just a few days before my race if I happened to crash into them. BECAUSE OF Raffles IDIOTS. I'm glad neither of both happened, but I so felt like punching the guts out of them. I still do, if I ever see them again.
Raffles my ass.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
My poster of dreams
Then while flipping through the last few pages of the file, I came across "My poster of dreams". I remember Ms Emily Ortega asking us to design ours and all I drew was a stick man saying that was me. It was such a 5 mins effort, I can bet any pri 1 kid could do that. So today, since I was really bored and had a fight with my sister and did not go out in the end.... I did my real version of "My poster of dreams!" I wish I took a picture of it, be'cos it's so niceeeeee. I spent 2 and a half hours just designing it. I think i'll be putting it up somewhere in my room, just not yet. [But] for now, it's lying on my table.... Waiting for my dreams to come true ;)
I'm listening to realll soothing music now, till then everyone =)
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Sirf tujhe pyar karane ke liye
Today I met my mummy for lunch and I felt so good. At first I did not want to disturb her and make her spend lunch on me but she asked me to join her so YAY! :) Had our good share of laughter when we saw how her colleague was so Blur. Made fun of her sillyness in the Ice cream stall when she was so excited to eat her Ice cream she forgot to pay the guy. And when she went to the bank and was so oblivious that her other 2 colleagues were in the Bank too. Hahaha. =) 2 more days and I'll be home!
Speacking of time, it's gonna be another 6 more months before I never ever have to stay in this Hostel again, 2 more weeks to my First race of the year, 2 more weeks to my sister's birthday. :D
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Whoever can hate home so much....
I miss u mummy
Monday, March 2, 2009
Good will
Currently... I'm feeling so shitified be'cos of I dont know what. Monday bluez? Week of the month? Cos my fam's in Macau? Or is it some sad movie I watch this morning instead of attenting Coaching class. :( I don't know, and my head's killing me.