Chuck Bass & Vanessa together in real life. Am I slow or just slow. I was so caught up with the Movie World of Chuck and Blair, I never thought he could be better with anyone else. BUT LOOK HEREEEEEEEE. He looks so happy with Jessica! OMG OMG. And Episode 18 is AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

OMG. U know what?
1) I finally deactivated my facebook account! I wanted to do so for quite some time. Be'cos you see, facebook is a MAJOR distraction. So no no. So all friends, you can still find me on MSN. I'll upload my statuses there. HAHA. ;)
2) Episode 18 of Gossip girl is OUTTTT. Like Zomg okay. FINALLYYYYYYY. I miss Blair. I missed Chuck. OMG OMG. I am excited.
3) I am going to be a very good girl from today onward. HAHA. Not say I was a baddie. :) I'm gonna study study study. Train train train. Zeeshitz. Haha. Tough one.
4) Okay lah bye. I'm going to watch my Gossip Girl and drool over Chuck Basssssss. Look I even got my sister addicted. Thanks to my MSN status. HAHAHA. I think I am so funny.
Oh PS: Today I went to the library to study. And there was this Chinese lady ordering .. This is what she said : " Mocha Chocolate. Please gimmie little bit sweet ah " HAHAHAHAHA. Stupid people. :P
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