Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Running fever

I think being Sick makes me depressed. The fact that I have to stay at home the whole day and just stare the ceiling walls while lying on my bed sucks big time. Especially when my nose runs and I need some more water but I don't have the bloody energy to get up to go to the kitchen for something refreshing to sooth my throat and throbbing head. Panadols and Lemsip have been my dearest friends for the past 2 days, and like me, they really want me to run on Saturday...

Yesterday I went to the doctor and he told me I have a temperature of 38.4 degrees!!!! :( Explains it. And he said I had some Viral Infection and if I continue training in this condition it can affect my heart. Omg please pray for me. I better get some rest now. Though I feel much much better now because I just took 2 panadols..... I need ample rest.

Goodnight folks.

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