Monday, November 30, 2009
On a random-er note, MONDAY IS COMING TO AN END! I wanna watch Kurbaan again!
Hope your day is going well everyone... Its December tmr.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
I'm at work and this is my 2nd post of the day.. FML.
You and I, together we'll be till the end of time
I am shagged. But I have training at 9am. And work after training. Till 6pm. I am tired. But what can I do.
I am tiredly shagged.
I am damn tired.
Damn tired.
My stomach hurts too. I have a feeling its gonna be the time of the month.... Is that why im breaking out!? :( Damn sad.
Tommorrow im going to run a 12............ 41s. Hmm really?
Time to get my ass off this comfy bed and air coned room and head down down down my doom.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Sub Kuch Bula Diya Hai

Today, or rather yesterday had been one helluva long day and.... well Im still up. I feel dead tired, but I still want a massage. I just got one, but I want another one. Work is really occupying me. From 9am to the wee hours..... Past training and peoples bed time. I need massage. Massage need meeeee.
And.... I am so sick of running. So sick of wanting to do well but always end up upseting the ones around me. I wanna be free from thisssss.... I wish my choice was a tiny bit easier.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tee hee hee
That aside, I'm glad its over. Its no more a worry (inside joke) and I cant wait for Friday!!!!! :D Oh the joyzz of the weekend to be..... ;)
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Why cant life be predictable?
I have to work on Saturday.. And Sunday too. Who wants me :( Who loves me
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
I am still here, I still feel, breathe the same air as you

Just yesterday I got my Semester 4 results and I did terribly bad for one subject... I made so much of noise and felt like shit, thought god was being unfair to me and everyone was against me.... I guess I always over react, sometimes behave so spoilt and pampered... Never really opened up to see worse things that happen to others in the world, let alone our little red dot.
I was randomly flipping the pages of the Newspaper today for sports updates and came across a Particular picture in the obituries page... Someone I know nothing of, just a familiar face, a cousin to a few I know. What can be worse than God showing you his powers in such a way? Definitely not a C-..... My deepest condolences to the late.
Monday, November 16, 2009
9 colours of love
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Shukran Allah
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Though we're far apart, you're always in my heart
Work today was a mixture of everything. I entered the Gerneral office 3/4 DEAD at 8.51am, walked to my desk, sat down and thought about what's there to be done today. Waited for YL after while my day just never ended up till 4pm.... I got my damn-bloody-good-massage after eonzzzz. My lower back feel so good that jumps for training were a tad x infinity better!
Tomorrow.... My day starts at 6am.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Firstly, I got my lappie done already. I dont have to use my sister's horrible one that switches off whenever it decides to... Neither do I have to use the one in the Master bed room.. So that's settled... I feel so happy.
Yenyways, the weekends flew by so quickly... I didn't even have time to realized how much fun I had during the past 2 days (the pictures speak for itself) Today I went out with Ama, AFTER centuries. And I got my sweetest overdue birthday present from her. I couldnt stop laughing at the small but memorable times we used to have! I missed being so goody goody looking. I miss my longgggggggg hair... My mum was amazed too, wow. We've all grown up and its no more the times where we're being spoon fed anymore. We're ADULTS, damn it.
Okay besidez that. I WANT TO WATCH MICHAEL JACKSON before it stops showing on tuesday. Tuesday is 2 freaking days away and the chances of me watching it in cinema now is ZERO. Know why? Cos Im working from 9am to 4pm after which I have training till 7pm... So what are the freaking chances? I feel so sad. (I contradict myself so much... Refer to 2 paragraphs up.)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
why my dog so irritating one
Halloween this year has been the best one so far. I wasn't looking forward to it because it was alot of my sister's friends who were invited. Maybe it was cos of that I had my hopes low & it turned out to be awesome. It was just fantasically nice. I made new friends, witnessed girls making out, drank, went mad dancing, took countless pictures.... I can't remember now half the things I did, but I pretty much know I had a hulleva time. Now I need a costume for next year. Haha.
when the roof caved in and the truth came out I just didnt know what to do
I'm so lazy to update but I will when I get back from training! CHAOZ