Monday, November 2, 2009

why my dog so irritating one

Halloween this year has been the best one so far. I wasn't looking forward to it because it was alot of my sister's friends who were invited. Maybe it was cos of that I had my hopes low & it turned out to be awesome. It was just fantasically nice. I made new friends, witnessed girls making out, drank, went mad dancing, took countless pictures.... I can't remember now half the things I did, but I pretty much know I had a hulleva time. Now I need a costume for next year. Haha.
Anyway, yesterday with the shafz was fun too. We went to watch London Dreams which was interesting yet it had a stupid ending. They practically had no nice songs, except one I didn't mind but don't really fancy much. After that we walked all the way from Bugis to Orchard recalling alot of funny & WEIRD(Hahaha to that) memories from last year and 2 years back. Went for some cool dessert and headed home.
I was practically shagged by the time I reached home, I was in bed by 11pm. I think the earliest in forever... I'm so glad for the holidayz anyway. I have so much other things besides school work for about a year. I need to repair my lappie and stop using my sister's one. Soon.

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