This PT exam... Yeah, its taking a toil on me! I can't stand it anymore.... I've been mugging for a few hours and everytime I tell myself I know what I'm studying, I remember my classmates telling me that "Its A VERY TOUGH PAPER. The questions they ask don't come from the book."
Okay, seriously. What the hell am I studying for then? ARGHHH. It's so frustrating..... Knowing I and another classmate are the morons left back in 1 paper and this 4 days before the paper is KILLING ME. I slept in the afternoon just now and I dreamt my paper was just Minutes away.... And to tell you honestly, I felt so unprepared. I'm confusing. I feel prepared, like I feel I just studied everything, but there is the other side....... That's telling me " NOOOO its never enough "
I don't know if its this stress shit thats making me feel so crappy. I'm actually falling sick.... And I hope this isn't going to be. I have a god damn exam in 4 days, I cannot afford to miss it. I can't afford to not study and GET BETTER, if you know what I mean. I actually also miss my outside friends. I'm such an anti-socialist now, Its hurting so bad. I miss them all.
Like I am going to post in every other post that I blog, ..... I have 5 FREAKING WEEKS.
4 days to PT theory
14 days (2 weeks) to Practicum Presentation
22 days (3 weeks) to Sports Analysis
25 days (3 weeks) to Practicum Submission
37 days (5 weeks) to PT Practical
39 days (5 weeks) to Sports Recreational
Everyday I look at this timetable on my study table and I wish that everyday at LEAST ONE of the papers was over already..... I wish too much.
After all this is my only motivation left to studyyyyy till I probably die. I better get back to some ass shit and my runningly-red-full-of-mucus-nose.....
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