Today was so super tiring, thanks to T Piriyah who made me walk here & there to find for towels, Bras, water bottle & what not. So anyway that's not the point. I still had fun with her. She makes me feel young all over again ( Not as if I am very old ) , and I love it! But I still want to grow older faster... I want to know what I will be doing in life, how much I will be earning ;P & of cos, if I do end up with a life partner.
So after my favourite Ban Mian at Banquet, Piriyah got me in the mood of shopping, thus I got a PROPER water bottle, finally, again... Sadly there weren't any nice Adidas or Puma ones.
Piriyah got so irritated with me, cos I did not want a Nike water bottle. I had no choice in the end! This was the best....
I was bored, while Piriyah was talking to NUMBER 5 online, I decided to take pictures of them =) & of Dearest Piriyah when she was young! Wasn't she a dolllll ;)
Awwwww! Cute cute
Not to forget the TOWEL we bought together, because Piriyah insisted on one. HAHA, she loves me thus wants something that only the 2 of us have. I really loved this towel, but Piriyah kept saying it looked like a carpet. -.- at you Piriyahhh. Anyway, the colours are so bright, so young, so loving. Haha =)
Went over to her place, & saw this soo beautiful portrait of this lady! So nice ;) & traditional, yo. Sadly, I did not get to take a picture with her Dog be'cos she was TOO friendly. She licked me sticky. Imagine!
Signing offfff....
hahaah HOMG piriyah look so PIRI YAH when she was younger!
and yes i was gonna get the bottle tooo. exact same colour hahaha!
but i guess i'll try and get smth different NOW! LOL :P
You could get the same onee! Im fine with it :D
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