I went to the temple today!! After eons man. =) I felt so good. Eating Parsard & the Langar food :) Of course not to forget, on my way to temple, my slipper broke be'cos the momsy tried walking faster, thus the slipper could not handle much anymore and broke. So I ditched my broke slipper & walked up the bus to temple slipper-less. ( It really wasn't that embarrassing, especially after the momsy told me that " this is the way people should go to temple" Haha. :) I felt pretty holy for that moment!
Momsy started counting the number of black moles I have on my face, I think it was 13 or 14. Wow! Cool ain't it :P
After temple, the momsy & me went to collect our photos from the photoshoot! I'm so sad I din't look good in the pictures we took as a fam :( But, nevertheless, its pretty cool :) We all look so happy togetherrrrr! :D
Came home after that, & rested a bit before the momsy & sister decided to go to JB to go get sis's prom dress. How im-prompt! Anyway, she finally got her desired outfit, and I think she looks pretty good in that. ( That's even without makeup, doing her hair, accessories etc etc.. ) Her heels were super cool though! I envy her for thattt. Sadly, she's 2 damn feet sizes bigger than me, so no chance of me stealing them from her!
She refused to let me take her face, so here's what I've got. =)
I'm so shagged! I think I'm gonna knock off soon. Goodnight world, my fellow friends, beloved angels, & darling one. =)
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