Friday, August 7, 2009

Miles apart

Blogger seems to be my best friend, ever since I left the one in Sg to come here and since I dont have a writting journal. Today was awful. I woke up with Swollen eyes that were HALF my eye size. It was so painful. On top of that, we had to go to the stadium at 10am (considering I already slept at 2am last night) to wait for the president to come and what not. The sun was blazing hot, and my head was spinning badly. Some people had to just piss me off that the same time, it's as though they know when to do it : RIGHT WHEN I FUCKING DONT NEED THEM TO.

So anyway, I did not go to the Brewery because I needed to do my work.. Ended up just writing ONE shit ass paragraph for my Report that is due next week. (tell me I am fucked) Then I went to sleep after Mum called for about 4 hours. I feel so fresh now after having a long Hot shower and Filet-O-Fish to eat now. I need to get back to writing my Report.

Goodnight Singapore

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