Saturday, December 19, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Million times over

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Yeah, so why can't we just get to the reason part. This process part is killin' me
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Sunday, monday tuesday wednesday

I watched New Moon last night and oohhh I love to see Bella and Edward so happy together despite the fact that BOTH of them cannot act for peanuts. I think the Vampire Diaries lead roles are wayyyyyy wayyy better. Including looks wise.. But then again, who are we to judge. (I think Jacob Black was a something, though I hate to admit..... He's sucha dick in the book.) Can't wait for Vampire Diaries to release the 11th episode.. It sucks having to know it only comes out next yr. :( For now, maybe Grey's Anatomy?
Friday, December 11, 2009

Today I made cupcakes with the Wednesday girlz, just that today is a friday, not wednesday. We were supposed to start baking when we met at 4+ but we ended up going to far east and meeting a friend as well as Mango Lingo!!!!!!! :D And I just found out today that UOB accepts OCBC cards and I can withdraw from there. (That reminds me. I felt so stupid walking 2 levels down yesterday just to draw money when there was a UOB bank just near by..... )
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Remember your first everything

Monday, December 7, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Find your line find your space

I'm not in the mood to blog about my personal life for the past 2 days. They were too traumatizing (Let me just exaggerate abit). I could feel every part of my body go through with the "fuck-your-life-is-hell-and-depressing" Hormone while it spread itself conveniently throughout. I know I don't make sense, but at least I understand myself and what I felt. I need a Me time soon. Like go catch a movie all by myself and wish the whole world was dead just so that I can do everything and anything without a soul to judge me for who I am and what I do. I feel like the most un-perfect person now but I still cant stop loving myself and standing up for my OWN rights. So Fuck off if you're one of them who loves to make me feel even more un-perfect. (I could stab you right now ... thats how much detest I have in me)
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Yeah, I should probably get to bed, stop thinking so much and better catch the 2012.... Better be warned first.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Today I came home from school and Sasha was waiting by the door as I opened it. And then she jumped on me, and started running around the living room like a Mad Dog. Literally. I could feel her excitement and my mum told me it was Sasha's way of saying "Welcome Home, im so glad you're back". That reminds me, my mum's back too. :) And I was filled in about her "forgotten" baggage keys for which she went to the lock'smith to open and found out her keys were all along in her back. My mum sometimes...
I hate work. And that fat bitch. >:( I love coming home after a terrible day of work. I miss Manisha.
Monday, November 30, 2009
On a random-er note, MONDAY IS COMING TO AN END! I wanna watch Kurbaan again!
Hope your day is going well everyone... Its December tmr.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
I'm at work and this is my 2nd post of the day.. FML.
You and I, together we'll be till the end of time
I am shagged. But I have training at 9am. And work after training. Till 6pm. I am tired. But what can I do.
I am tiredly shagged.
I am damn tired.
Damn tired.
My stomach hurts too. I have a feeling its gonna be the time of the month.... Is that why im breaking out!? :( Damn sad.
Tommorrow im going to run a 12............ 41s. Hmm really?
Time to get my ass off this comfy bed and air coned room and head down down down my doom.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Sub Kuch Bula Diya Hai

Today, or rather yesterday had been one helluva long day and.... well Im still up. I feel dead tired, but I still want a massage. I just got one, but I want another one. Work is really occupying me. From 9am to the wee hours..... Past training and peoples bed time. I need massage. Massage need meeeee.
And.... I am so sick of running. So sick of wanting to do well but always end up upseting the ones around me. I wanna be free from thisssss.... I wish my choice was a tiny bit easier.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tee hee hee
That aside, I'm glad its over. Its no more a worry (inside joke) and I cant wait for Friday!!!!! :D Oh the joyzz of the weekend to be..... ;)
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Why cant life be predictable?
I have to work on Saturday.. And Sunday too. Who wants me :( Who loves me
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
I am still here, I still feel, breathe the same air as you

Just yesterday I got my Semester 4 results and I did terribly bad for one subject... I made so much of noise and felt like shit, thought god was being unfair to me and everyone was against me.... I guess I always over react, sometimes behave so spoilt and pampered... Never really opened up to see worse things that happen to others in the world, let alone our little red dot.
I was randomly flipping the pages of the Newspaper today for sports updates and came across a Particular picture in the obituries page... Someone I know nothing of, just a familiar face, a cousin to a few I know. What can be worse than God showing you his powers in such a way? Definitely not a C-..... My deepest condolences to the late.
Monday, November 16, 2009
9 colours of love
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Shukran Allah
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Though we're far apart, you're always in my heart
Work today was a mixture of everything. I entered the Gerneral office 3/4 DEAD at 8.51am, walked to my desk, sat down and thought about what's there to be done today. Waited for YL after while my day just never ended up till 4pm.... I got my damn-bloody-good-massage after eonzzzz. My lower back feel so good that jumps for training were a tad x infinity better!
Tomorrow.... My day starts at 6am.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Firstly, I got my lappie done already. I dont have to use my sister's horrible one that switches off whenever it decides to... Neither do I have to use the one in the Master bed room.. So that's settled... I feel so happy.
Yenyways, the weekends flew by so quickly... I didn't even have time to realized how much fun I had during the past 2 days (the pictures speak for itself) Today I went out with Ama, AFTER centuries. And I got my sweetest overdue birthday present from her. I couldnt stop laughing at the small but memorable times we used to have! I missed being so goody goody looking. I miss my longgggggggg hair... My mum was amazed too, wow. We've all grown up and its no more the times where we're being spoon fed anymore. We're ADULTS, damn it.
Okay besidez that. I WANT TO WATCH MICHAEL JACKSON before it stops showing on tuesday. Tuesday is 2 freaking days away and the chances of me watching it in cinema now is ZERO. Know why? Cos Im working from 9am to 4pm after which I have training till 7pm... So what are the freaking chances? I feel so sad. (I contradict myself so much... Refer to 2 paragraphs up.)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
why my dog so irritating one
Halloween this year has been the best one so far. I wasn't looking forward to it because it was alot of my sister's friends who were invited. Maybe it was cos of that I had my hopes low & it turned out to be awesome. It was just fantasically nice. I made new friends, witnessed girls making out, drank, went mad dancing, took countless pictures.... I can't remember now half the things I did, but I pretty much know I had a hulleva time. Now I need a costume for next year. Haha.
when the roof caved in and the truth came out I just didnt know what to do
I'm so lazy to update but I will when I get back from training! CHAOZ
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Today I officially finished my Practical paper, one of my most horrid practicals! I hate practicals!!!! But anyway, thanks for lovely friends who were always there. Lub lub chu. I feel so much better now, and no use crying over spilt milk right....... ITS OVER. Really. I just have one last paper that I am pretty confident about, hopefully we don't get the alternative paper like poor mark did. *touch wood. And I WILL BE DONE with Diploma life. I dont wish to look back at it anymore. 2 years was enough!
People im going to living life after the 30th of Oct, ask me out. WHOEVER everyoneee I wanna be part of your life like how you gonna be part of mineeeeeee ... Okay chaoz!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I'll break all promises to see you
9 days to the end of school wow, and 7 days to my personal training practical. Fast. What say you? I shall go attend to my poor arm
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Jeena tere liye

Monday, October 12, 2009
My love

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Me to Dipna and Piriyah: Can I tell you something?
Dipna and Piriyah: Yah....
Me: Burrrrrrrrrluuuurrrrrd (hahahahahhaa)
Dipna and Piriyah: Arghh!!
Walking back to school........
Me to Dipna and Piriyah: Can I tell you something?
Dipna and Piriyah: After a sec or 2... NOOOOOOO!
I thought alot of people would have seen this cutey pie's video, apparently not. So here's the link! So adorable
Friday, October 2, 2009

Anyway, I'm finally going to run Sing Opennn. Finallyyyyyy. (You cant imagine. I'm so happy!) This whole week was work work work workkkk. Monday's my sports prac presentation.. As much as I am not prepared, I can't wait for Monday.. One thing down..
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009
F*ck your theories

Thursday, September 17, 2009
I had the whole afternoon after that to think to myself. Maybe she's right. I can't. I dont think I wanna. It's too much. I can't commit. Its so easy right, just yeah.
These 2 days since coach came back has been sooo freaking long. I woke up at 5am yesterday to go for a 1.5 hour gym observation. It was totally not worth my cab fare and energy to getting up. I spent the whole day out and only got home at 8plus at night. Today yet another day. I dont want to start with it.
Right now, I just need to get over my semester four exams, I need to run a race. I miss competing. I miss the feeling of being there.
My stomach hurts. I mean, abs... That are just no where close to be called abs. Yeah, they hurt. I cann't laugh.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Did I mention every damn small thing today has been pissing the HELL out of me? Is it because I went to temple. Ha. Irony. Joke. God wants to punish me.
Friday, September 11, 2009

All that apart, I need CHEESY SAUSAGES. soooo badly. I haven't had them since I came back from Germany. I want mango lingo, chilli crabs - insert cute face at Manisha. I want Crystal Jade I want so many things omg I forgot I want Hokkein Mee and Frolick. Fooodddd come to me.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Jab tu muskurati ho
Yesterday I had masala crabs with Jang, Rohit, Jagz, Sis, Manisha and Vikz. Except that only me and Manisha ate the crabs while every other loser one just ate the normal rice and curry. It was so awesome I think I'm going back there one more time. No two.. Maybe three or four or many more times. I have a sudden craving for it again, like I miss breaking the shells with my teeth and stuff.. Manisha, one day, just you and me k. :)
Anyway, I know I haven't been blogging in forever. Suddenly school has started and the bloody internet is just a bore because everything I see is the same ol' shit.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
I had roti prata last night mum, I wish you knew who
Anyway, I found out my Starhub line expires in September, so mum and me decided to get over with a new phone. Sadly every phone in the line sucked. I think the best one was Omina but YUCK. So I got the same one as my sis, Viewty. :S At least it's better than the one before.
Ok, I gtg back to watching MJ & dinner!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
At least some things like ctrl+f5 does help me refresh things (something I just learnt) I need to move on ... Tomorrow... technically today Im going to hopefully finish workshop 3 and 4 so that I will be in time with the class for workshop 5. I need to start on my intership for gym classes and make up lessons, I need to start on my SAA report. I need to get a grip... I think that's what I need.
I also need to do alot of stretching. I forgot to do it today. :S I need to start telling myself training is not something I can choose to not go for.. I mean technically its a choice, but it shouldn't apply to me. I need to be diciplined I need to focus I need to do things right i really need to. But why can't I? Shouldnt everything be better now? Shouldnt it be? Then why isn't it?
Why can't this stupid blogger allow me to upload pictures? :S So annoying. Oh, I need to start sleeping early. I need to be back in hostel and I need to start feeling the pressure of the last semester. I need to go to NTU I need to do omg, S.O M.A.N.Y T.H.I.N.G.S.
Right, bye
What if I told you I was not what you think I am?
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
what would u do?
Sunday, August 23, 2009
And my sister finally got a new dog, Sasha. She's so cutee.. Ok la im bored. Bye
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Bu- bu- bu - bu bu bu bu bu Burlin.
Let the pictures speak for themselves.

Me at the Parliament House!

Some random car that I was able to lift ;)

A part of the Berliner Dom

The Berliner Dom

MRT service

A part of the Berlin Wall. One of the Best pieces picked.

The side of the West Germany. Where America took over, thus the flags.

The Checkpoint from East to West Germany. Over here people from East Germany tried to go over to West Germany but were killed during the process. Some even went to the extent of hiding under car seats to bypass because of the terrible treatment in East Germany by the Soviets (Russians)

From West to East.

The Guards at the Checkpoint. American and France

The tombs where many people were killed by Hitler.

The German Flag.

A guy who tried to escape from East Germany, but got shot.

This was the Hotel where Michael Jackson held out a baby on the 3rd floor. It is the same Hotel where a room for one night costs $12,000 Euros! = $24,000 SGD

Julia (our Liaison Officer) and me at the Parliament House

A part of the Parliament House. People queue up for HOURS just to enter it!

Parliament House