Sunday, February 22, 2009

Awaken the giant within

" It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped" - Anthony Robbins

Often enough, we make "decisions" that aren't really decisions be'cos it comes to be described something like a wish list. Decisions should be firm & never half hearted. We usually say I'll like to change my outlook, but is that even making a decision?

You are born to make whatever decision you want in life, be'cos after all, this is Your life. The only difference between a Doctor and a Road sweeper is that the doctor made the decision to study, the latter did not. The only difference between a 12.2s runner and a 11s runner is that the 11s runner made the decision of achieving to his limits, the latter would like to achieve to his limits.

Decision: the act of making up your mind about something & fullfilling it.

I have decided.... I'll get it all back. That's my true decision :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Luck to you Girl. Just remember another thing about decisions.....they got to be 100% whole-hearted; 99.9999$ Won't Do!
And remember....There is NOTHING like Failure......Just Delayed Success! Keep your eyes on the Bull's Eye.....You WILL Strike, for Sure.