Today, early in the morning @ 2.38am I saw the moon.(I know right, so what. Everyone has seen the moon before) It was literally there. Clear and so awesome. It's like those movies you watch on Tv that show a new beginning & then the light of the moon to show a new path where new happiness is brough in. Exactly like that, just that this time it was real. The moon was full, and be'cos I did not fully draw my curtains, there was this line of light coming from the moon straight to the side of my bed. ( I honestly never thought a moon could do that. ) It was sooo beautiful. But the first thing that came to my mind wasnt the word "Beautiful", instead "Werewolf" fit itself in my head. How pleasant! Being the scardy cat, I quickly got under my blanket & promised myself not to open my eyes till my alarm clock rings for training.
When I woke up today morning, the moon was gone. I couldnt even tell if it was hidden or not. It was just gone..
It's pretty cool if you apply that in real life terms. Well but also quite emotionally disturbing.
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